Sunday, 13 November 2016

(Unity)The Escape - Group Project for JCU Retro-Inspired in November 2016



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




This game is made during a 24 hours competition called 2nd Retro Inspired 2016 which was held in James Cook University. The main theme was "Retro" and there was a surprise additional theme which was "Friendship". The game genre that our team made was a 2-player Co-Op platformer side scroller. Our idea was that the 1st player will keep moving to the right, while the 2nd player will build the level by adding platforms for the 1st player to pass through the other platform, supplying the player with ammo, and adding boxes to block turret shots or providing covers to protect the player. For this game, I made the animated text and the player animations. From this experience, I've learnt that level design is very important, and get to know more about raycasting which I've never used them much before.
You can try the game here by downloading the exe in this link:

Saturday, 13 August 2016

(Unity)Tap Tap Earn - Group Project for code::XtremeApps::2016 Hackathon in July 2016




This game is made during a 24 hours competition called code::XtremeApps::2016 Hackathon. There are several challenge statements/topics for us to pick on. My team of 2, which were in the Open Category, chose a topic called Gamified Investment Tool, which we had to create a free-to-play mobile game (with in-app purchases). Our idea is to make the game user-friendly and engaging for children (preferably primary school students) to play. For this game, I did the animations of objects, integrating art assets and simple fading transitions when it transits each day.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

(Unity)Push Him - Group Project for Global Game Jam in 2016


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3/Boss



This game is made during a 48 hours game-making competition where we can work in groups and compete with the game makers that participated in the Global Game Jam. The theme is "Ritual". The game genre is a platformer speedrunner. All the player does is to try to complete the game as fast as he can by pushing people off. For this game, I made fading transition between levels, making every enemy and objects return to their starting position using " arrays and 'for loop' "(Programming terms) when the player falls out of the map and respawn, and also made the animation for the player movement. You can try out the game here in this link : 
Note: Scroll down all the way till you see a Executable ZIP file and download that.